Bandwidth in Your Business

A new three-part series of engaging webinars brought to you exclusively by gasworld

Bandwidth in Your Business

Industrial Gas Insights & Operations During a Pandemic

Coronavirus, or Covid-19, continues to proliferate around the world and transform our ways of life and work beyond modern comprehension. The pandemic has caused downtime for most industries, not least the wider events sector, and curtailed the travel plans of many businesses. For the gases industry, whose core pillars are steeped in personable relationships and the face-to-face connection, this presents a major challenge.

With personnel and companies grounded, events cancelled or postponed and business opportunities restricted, the industrial gases industry has been forced to rethink how it operates – and reimagine those core pillars. We have been pushed ever more towards realising the digital technologies already in our lockers – from e-commerce to webinars and video calls – and connecting via different channels.

Against the backdrop this launchpad for change, and with a commitment to continue connecting the global gases industry, gasworld presents a new series of webinars exploring the bandwidth in your business and how your operations can still be primed and ready to realise the opportunities ahead when we’re all making Covid-19 a distant memory.

Titled Bandwidth in Your Business, this new three-part series of webinars will follow a journey from lockdown to locked and loaded with opportunities – and the toolkit to realise them.

[icon color=”accent-color” size=”regular” icon_size=”” image=”iconsmind-Video”] PART 1:

Lessons Learned from Lockdown

gasworld’s hot new series of webinars exploring the bandwidth in your business begins with a look at some of the lessons learned from lockdown…

[icon color=”accent-color” size=”regular” icon_size=”” image=”iconsmind-Video”] PART 2:

Optimising Operations and Supply Chains

…insight into the operational side of the gases industry during a pandemic…

[icon color=”accent-color” size=”regular” icon_size=”” image=”iconsmind-Video”] PART 3:

Ready to Realise Opportunities

…the world wakes up from its enforced slumber and our industry begins its bounceback …