Bandwidth in Your Business:PART 3

Part 3

//Bandwidth in Your Business

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Filmed : 10 July 2020 2:30 pm (UTC +1)
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Ready to Realise Opportunities

Industrial Gas Insights & Operations During a Pandemic

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Part 3

Optimising Operations and Supply Chains

The global industrial gases business has adjusted to months of lockdown and business restrictions at the hands of the Covid-19 pandemic. We’ve discussed our learnings from lockdown and the ‘new normal’ in how to do business, as well as the options available to optimise operations – so what comes next?

Here in Part 3 of gasworld’s new series of webinars, we explore the growth markets still to be targeted and realised moving forward, and looks at where your business might need to find that extra bandwidth for the opportunities ahead.


Your Host & Speakers

Rob Cockerill



Phil Kornbluth

Guest Speaker

Kornbluth Helium Consulting

Henrik Lyhne

Guest Speaker

Pentair Union Engineering

Kevin Lynch

Guest Speaker
