Meet the Trainer
Stephen B. Harrison is the Founder and Managing Director at sbh4 GmbH in Germany. His work focuses on decarbonisation and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction.
Hydrogen and carbon capture, transportation, utilisation and storage (CCTUS) are fundamental pillars of his consulting practice. He has also served as the international hydrogen and CCTUS expert for multiple ADB projects in Pakistan, Palau and Vietnam.
In 2021, Harrison specified more than 2GW of electrolysers for projects in Asia. He has intimate knowledge of the full hydrogen value chain from commercial, technical, operational and safety perspectives.
Harrison is a chartered chemical engineer with a Master’s degree from Imperial College, London. His background is in industrial and specialty gases, including 27 years at BOC Gases, The BOC Group and Linde Gas. For 14 years, he was a global business leader in these FTSE100 and DAX30 companies and spearheaded geographic expansion in China and other Asian countries. Harrison has extensive buy-side and sell-side M&A due diligence and investment advisory experience in the clean-tech sector. His regular clients include private equity firms, investment fund managers and hydrogen start-ups.